The product looks just like the product images. Purchased as a gift for my girlfriend and she loves it, as do many others when we go out. One thing that may be an issue for some is that the included shoulder chain is overly long, we had to purchase a new, shorter strap so that the bag wasn't hanging down by her thighs.
I am absolutely in Love with my kitty purse! It is soooo soft! It can hold a good amount of stuff, plenty of room inside and it's the perfect size. People think I have a real kitty with me upon first glance. The quality is top notch, it's well constructed, not flimsy at all, and I've not had any issues with the fur getting stuck in the zipper. I love that it comes with two types of purse straps so I can switch it up. The packaging was even adorable! Maybe my favorite thing I've ever gotten myself.
This cat is a great pocketbook!! I bought one for myself, last November and just bought a second cat ,for my niece, who is graduating High school.It is extremely soft and I get lots of compliments on it. Now, I have all the colors in my collection.
My cats don’t like it but I think that’s funny and serves to prove the quality and realistic features of the bag